This application was designed with flutter for iOS. This application was designed for a hydroponics project. Each hydroponics system had a serial number. When the user creates a new account with the email and password, will be asked to enter this serial number, and a match is made with the serial numbers saved in the database. The application consisted of 3 main screens, the first if the user wanted to change the type of plants, if changed the data is sent to the database, and then the new data is read by the hydroponics system, the second screen is the data related to the plant such as temperature, acidity, etc. The application read them from the database and display it to the user in screen No. 2. As for the last screen, if the user wants to shut down the system, give a command to shut down the system through the mobile application, this is done by sending a shutdown command to the database, and hydroponics system reads and responds to the command.